Clever, comfortable, energy efficient and affordable… these are all things you could say about the MacDonnell design. It’s ideal for anyone looking for a home at reasonable cost that can out-perform standard homes in energy efficiency and affordability. A real “sun worshipper”, this home will capture enough Winter sun to lower heating needs extensively, then stay cool in Summer with little to no air conditioning. With 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and inviting indoor and outdoor living areas, MacDonnell delivers annual savings in energy as well as exceptional comfort and enjoyment.
Standard inclusions with all GHA designs
- Solar Passive Design
- Optimal thermal mass performance
- High-performance glazing and windows
- Timber Frame Thermally Broken
- Slab to frame sealing for air tightness
- Upgraded insulation package as standard
- Water-saving tapware
- LED Lighting
- Solar Hot Water System or equivalent
- Premium kitchen appliances
- ISO 50001 Energy Efficient Home Quality Assurance Certificate